Phone: +86-21-62260338 Fax: +90256 729 1615 Mail : jennifer@kaltun.com.cn Address : 中国上海闸北区恒丰路218号现代交通商务大厦1707室
All Glasstun products are suitable for use in the glass industry.
All Ceratun BODY RAW MATERIALS are suitable for use in the ceramic, vitrification and granite-ceramic industries.
Stonetun products; It is suitable for the use of composite stone industry.
All Coattun products are suitable for use in the coating industry.
Bilinen doğruları değiştiriyoruz.! Plastik sektörünün temel dolgu ihtiyacının yerli kaynaklar ile karşılanması alanında atılmış yeni bir adım.
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We have completed China Coat 2017 as Kaltun Mining Family. We would like to thank to our all visitors.
“Research of Second 500 Large Industrial Enterprise of Turkey for 2016” are announced by ?stanbul Chamber of Industry. We are very happy as Kaltun Mining to share with you that we are placed on the ...
We have completed China Glass 2017 exibition as Kaltun Mining Family. We would like to thank to our all visitors and Mr. Wang Wenyu, Mayor of People` Goverment of Shahe City for his visiting and kind...
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